Diagnostic Tools
Asset Management - Exports asset information from the Compaq Insight Manager
database to leading database and spreadsheet applications.
Remote Management - Manages in-band or out-of-band devices, online or offline, from
any location.
Reporting - Using Automatic Data Collection, gathers historic performance information
for graphing or export purposes.
Integration with Enterprise Management Platforms - Provides integration with leading
management platforms including HP OpenView, IBM NetView, SunNet Manager, and
Microsoft Systems Management Server.
Compaq Insight Management Software Architecture
The Compaq Insight Management software architecture is typical of other network management
solutions. It has a client/server architecture and is composed of agent software (Compaq Insight
Management Agents) and the management application software (Compaq Insight Manager).
Insight Management Agents
Insight Agents operate on Compaq systems (such as servers and workstations), performing in-
depth monitoring of the system's state by collecting and measuring system parameters. These
parameters indicate the current state of subsystems by counting the occurrence of particular
events (for example, the number of read operations performed on a disk drive) or monitoring the
state of a critical function (such as whether the cooling fan is operating).
Insight Desktop Agents operate on Compaq Deskpro computers, monitoring functions that
include temperature sensing and disk pre-failure alerting.
Insight Agents provide information to management applications such as Compaq Insight
Manager, and can generate alarm notifications if significant changes occur in the fault or
performance aspects of system operation. Information is delivered to and from the Insight
Agents by the industry-standard Simple Network Management Protocol or SNMP.
Compaq Insight Manager
Compaq Insight Manager delivers intelligent monitoring and alerting as well as visual control of
your Compaq hardware. In the unlikely event of hardware failures, Compaq Insight Manager
also provides a full complement of remote maintenance and control facilities.
For additional information, refer to the online
Compaq Insight Manager User Guide
on the
Systems Reference Library CD that accompanied your server.