Pressing the “ALARM” button gives you access to the alarm screen (
), where it is possible to display
the last twenty-five alarms registered by the machine.
Pressing the “PROGRAM SET” button gives you access to the screen for changing the work programs
), changing the machine's pre-set working programs read the section“
: the factory setting is that those with level 2 password and those with level 3 password can
both freely access this screen, setting parameter 3 with value 1 activates the password
entry to access the above-mentioned menu.
Pressing the “HOUR METERS” button accesses the machine's hour meter screen (
), it is possible
to display the hour meter in it:
Main key switch hour meter, it starts with activation in position “I” of the key in the main switch.
2. Traction motor hour meter, it starts when the traction motor starts.
3. Scrubbing brush heads brush motors hour meter, it starts when the brush motors in the scrubbing
brush head start.
4. Sweeping brush head brush motor hour meter, it starts when the brush motor in the sweeping brush
head starts.
5. Vacuum motor hour meter, it starts when the vacuum motors start.
Battery Type:
this is the parameter for changing the type of setting for the batteries that are used to
power the machine, the following types can be selected: WET - GEL - AGM - CUSTOM.
Partial hour meter count:
this is the parameter for adjusting the partial hour meter activation, you can
start the counting of the hours starting from: key (from the starting of the general switch key) - Tr (from
the starting of the traction motor) - work (from the start of work of the machine).
Display hour meter:
this is the parameter for selecting the type of hour meter displayed on the
command display, you can select from Main (total) - Partial (partial).
Reset partial hour meter:
this is the parameter for resetting the partial hour meter.
Password 2 Site manager:
this is the password for changing the level 2 password (supervisor). The
factory setting of the password is 1234, it can be changed using a number from 1000 to 1999. The
increase of the numbers is unitary.
Password 3 User:
this is the password for changing the level 3 password (user). The factory setting of
the password is 000, it can be changed using a number from 000 to 999. The increase of the numbers
is unitary.
Password protection:
this is the password to protect, using a password, certain functions of the
machine menu. The factory setting is 0, which is the equivalent of no protection.
Service Warning Start:
this is the parameter of activating the first compulsory maintenance, the
factory setting is 0, which can be changed using a number from 0 to 1000. The increase of the numbers
is decimal, the number identifies the number of hours that have passed.
: once the value indicated by the parameter (40) has passed the icon “MAINTENANCE DUE”.
appears on the command display
Service Warning Time:
this is the parameter of activating the first compulsory maintenance, the
factory setting is 0, which can be changed using a number from 0 to 1000. The increase of the numbers
is decimal, the number identifies the number of hours that have passed.
: once the value indicated by the parameter (42) has passed the icon “MAINTENANCE DUE”.
appears on the command display
Service Count:
this is the parameter for adjusting the partial hour meter activation, you can start the
counting of the hours starting from: key (from the starting of the general switch key) - Tr (from the
starting of the traction motor) - work (from the start of work of the machine).
Chemical level Manual Mode:
this is the parameter for changing the chemical percentage in the
detergent solution in the machine's water system (versions with CDS), factory set to 70, which can be
changed using a number from 0 to 100. The increase of the numbers is unitary, the number identifies
the chemical percentage in the detergent solution.
Vacuum Switch-OFF1 Delay:
this is the parameter for changing the vacuum motors switching off
delay time, factory set to 20, which can be changed using a number from 1 to 600. The increase of
the numbers is unitary, the number identifies the delay in seconds of the switching off of the vacuum
Vacuum Speed Reduction:
this is the parameter for changing the electric potential in “NOISE
REDUCTION” mode, factory set to 30,0 which can be changed using a number from 20.0 to 36.0 . The
increase of the numbers is unitary, the number identifies the electric potential of the vacuum motors in
noise reduction mode.
Traction Forward Max Speed:
this is the parameter for changing the maximum forward moving speed,
factory set to 100, which can be changed using a number from 50 to 100. The increase of the numbers
is by two units, the number identifies the percentage of the maximum speed of the hub motor.
Traction Backward Max Speed:
this is the parameter for changing the maximum reverse speed,
factory set to 70, which can be changed using a number from 10 to 100. The increase of the numbers
is by two units, the number identifies the percentage of the maximum speed of the hub motor.
Traction Mode1 Speed:
this is the parameter for changing the step-01 speed, factory set to 60, which
can be changed using a number from 10 to 100. The increase of the numbers is by two units, the
number identifies the percentage of the maximum speed set.
Traction Mode2 Speed:
this is the parameter for changing the step-02 speed, factory set to 80, which
can be changed using a number from 10 to 100. The increase of the numbers is by two units, the
number identifies the percentage of the maximum speed set.