ADCP-90-606 • Rev C • May 2020
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Adapter Bulkhead
– Provides a point for connecting the equipment patch cords to the
cable assemblies.
Front Port Designation Plate
– Identifies the optical port numbers on the adapter
bulkhead. The designation plate must be removed before the cables can be unwound from
the spool.
Red Latch
– (Shown in
) is used to engage and disengage the spool locking tab to
allow the internal spool to rotate and to actuate the inner linkage to allow the cable spool
tray to be slid inward or outward into three positions: operation (home); cable payout
(inward); and full connector access (outward). For a description of tray positions, refer to
Spool Locking Tab
– (Shown in
) is a black tab that protrudes from the panel
shell when the cable spool tray is in the operation (home) position. For a description of
tray positions, refer to
Figure 7. Red Latch and Spool Locking Tab
• Microcable Assemblies
– Are loaded into each panel based on customer order. Options
for a particular panel include either single 12-fiber microcables or a dual microcable
consisting of two 12-fiber subunits. The microcables may be either single-mode reduced
bend radius (RBR) or multimode.
The internal cable ends may be terminated with single-mode SC (UPC or APC), single-
mode LC (UPC or APC), multimode SC (UPC), or multimode LC (UPC) connectors. The
external cable ends may be terminated with connector fanout assemblies, NG4access
cabled modules, MPO connectors, or stub end non-functional connectors.
The fanout assemblies will be 12-fiber single-mode SC (UPC or APC), single-mode LC
(UPC or APC), multimode SC (UPC), or multimode LC (UPC). The NG4access cabled
modules will be either one 24-fiber LC module (UPC or APC) or two 12-fiber SC modules
(UPC or APC). The MPO connectors are of 12-fiber construction and equipped with a