C365-5G-Mini User Manual CB-V1.1
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3.5 Services Configuration
3.5.1 ICMP check
To ensure that the router is working to its full potential, we highly suggest that you activate and use
this feature. With this feature, the router will automatically detect the working status and fix any
Enable ICMP check feature
Host1 to ping / Host2 to ping:
The domain name or IP address for checking the network
Ping timeout:
If the ping packet has been sent and the response packet has not been
received before the timeout, then this ping has failed.
Max retries:
If the ping has failed, the failed counter will display one. If the failed counter is
bigger or equal to the Max amount of retries, then system will say that the ICMP check has
failed, an “Action when failed” will be triggered.
If the ping has succeeded, the failed counter will be reset to 0.
Interval between ping:
The time between the first and second ping. The unit is measured in
Action when failed:
there are two options.
“Restart module” and “Restart router”. “Restart
module” will fix the problem
on the radio
module, and “Restart router” will fix the problem
the whole system including the radio module.