Functions & configuration
Prison cell call & officer emergency call
Definition of a call request
For the cell terminal, it is possible to define two desired call buttons (
) for the call request to the
control desk (inquiry station) – one button for the type “call 1” and one button for the type “call 2”. The
required call buttons and surface sensors must be connected to the inputs of the EB8E4A. In this way,
you can simulate one of these buttons or initiate a call. For the indication of calls, e.g. by a lamp in the
aisle, it is possible to define attendant contacts. For further information regarding the attendant con-
tacts, see
Prison cell call
The call is initiated by pressing the call button, which is connected to an input (“E1” to “E8”) at the
EB8E4A. Depending on how the prison cell is equipped, the call button can be designed as sensor but-
ton or as short-stroke button.
As acknowledgement for the prisoner, the cell lamp of the cell terminal is set to blinking. In the aisle,
the cell call is indicated by switching on the cell lamp. If required, it is also possible to switch on some
further group lamps or direction lamps.
In order to prevent repeated cell calls, it is possible to define a “Repetition lock”, so that there is no
chance to initiate a new call e.g. for 30 seconds after three calls had been initiated in a row. For further
information, see
”Repetition lock for inputs” on page 11
The system indicates cell calls as normal calls with a long buzzer interval. The cell call can be cancelled
either by answering the call (building up a conversation) or by the attendance function (
Carry out the following configuration in CCT 800 to enable prison cell calls:
Subscriber > Station properties > ET808 family > EB8E4A > # - Station # > Prison
cell call with officer emergency call >
Prison cell call with officer emergency call
In the drop-down list
Prison cell call with officer emergency call
, choose the option “Prison cell
In the drop-down list
Simulated button at active input
, define
the button that is set for “call 1”
to the control desk.
Define an attendant contact for call requests to switch on the cell lamp. For this, activate the internal
output of the EB8E4A at
Subscriber > Station properties > ET808 family > EB8E4A
Activate the field
Quittierung offline
if an offline acknowledgement of a cell call is required.
In the system, “call 1” is a call request (cell call) and “call 2” an emergency call (officer emergency call).
Emergency calls have a higher priority than call requests. For further information regarding the indication
of calls in the aisle,