Functions & configuration
Offline sabotage alarm
If a sabotage alarm is initiated in offline operation, the lamp in front of the cell blinks. As soon as a con-
nection between the cell terminal and the Intercom Server is established, the system transmits the un-
acknowledged sabotage alarm to the control desk. The sabotage alarm can only be deleted after reset-
ting the message. For further information regarding resetting the message,
Additionally, it is possible to acknowledge a sabotage alarm in offline mode. Carry out the following
configuration in CCT 800 to activate the function “Acknowledging offline sabotage alarms”:
Subscriber > Station properties > ET808 family > EB8E4A > # - Station # > Security>
Activate the field
Quittierung offline
Offline light control
If the cell terminal goes offline, the prisoner can still turn the light on and off. As soon as a connection
between the cell terminal and the Intercom Server is established, the last switched state in the cell will
be active.
Offline output configuration
The outputs of the EB8E4A are provided for the following functions and can not be modified:
„OUT1“: Call lamp
„OUT2“: Call park lamp
„OUT3“: Attendance
„OUT4“: Cell light
Additional features
Firmware download
The firmware of the EB8E4A is downloadable in the installed state. This means that firmware updates
can be executed directly from the Intercom Server via the Intercom module to the EB8E4A. For further
information, see
PRO 800 Basic
For the sabotage alarm in offline operation, no configuration is required.
If a sabotage alarm was detected in offline operation, output “OUT1”as well as “OUT3” will be
switched on and off in 500 ms intervals.
For the light control in offline operation, no configuration is required.
If the configuration of the outputs differ from the offline functions, switching errors may occur. E.g. if
“OUT1” that is assigned for the call lamp in offline mode is connected to a door opener, the door opener
will be triggered by a call.