C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual
Revision: 01/27/2010 http://cnc4pc.com/TechDocs/C11GR8_2_User_Manual.pdf 6/21
doing something different that what you intend the machine to do if the program
loses control of your system. Mach be can be programmed in a way, so when it is
“in control”, it delivers a 12.5 KHz signal through one of the pins. This card lets you
use this signal to work as an On/Off switch for your system, enabling a powerful
safety system for your equipment. If you ever had windows crash on you, then this
card is for you. The port can also do weird things while the system is coming up, or
For Configuring the Charge Pump in Mach X:
Use the dialog
Config / Ports
and pins / Output Signals
. Enable the
Charge Pump
output and configures it as is
shown in the Fig. 8 Next, press the
Fig. 3. Charge Pump configuration