C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual
Revision: 01/27/2010 http://cnc4pc.com/TechDocs/C11GR8_2_User_Manual.pdf 10/21
After configuring the Mach, these steps should be followed.
Step 1.
Ensure that all external power sources are set to
Step 2.
Connect the power supply to the Power Inputs Connectors (X1).
Step 3.
Turn on the external supplies
Step 4.
Connect a voltmeter in the analog outputs connectors (X2) and make and
fine tune this output:
Make sure that when you reach the max
speed in the control software you get 10VDC
out (X2). This voltage can vary depending
on many things, including the electrical
properties of parallel port or breakout board
you are using, the length of the step pulse
your software is delivering, and the normal hi
or low status of your step pin. Play with the
pot, hi/low status of the pin, and pulse length
to fine tune the output voltage.
6.3 Electromechanical relays. (pins 1 and 16)
Mechanical relays are very flexible because they can be used for AC or DC and
come with NO and NC (Normally Open and Normally Closed) positions. Relay are
independents, one reacts to Pin 1 and the other one to Pin16 and that both can be
used at the same time. The relay specification are showed in the below table.
Maximun Current (AC)
7A@240VAC; 10A@125VAC
Maximun Current (DC)
15A@524VDC; 10A@28VDC
Table 2. Electromechanical Relays Specifications.