C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual
Revision: 01/27/2010 http://cnc4pc.com/TechDocs/C11GR8_2_User_Manual.pdf 11/21
6.4 Using the COM configuration jumper.
This is for selecting the value to get at
the COM terminals found next to step
and direction terminals (Pin 2-9).
Some drivers expect a ground, and
others expect +5vdc. There is a
jumper (X7) that allows you to select
+5VDC or GND for the COM pins.
1-2: COM= 5V
2-3: COM= GND
6.5 External Enable Pin.
The card must be provided with a 5VDC signal to enable operation. This feature
has been added to externally control the status of the outputs. An external switch
or a Safety Charge Pump can be added to provide the enabling signal. When the
enable signal is not present, output signals sent high impedance state. If this
function is not required, an jumper can be placed between +5vdc and the EN
terminal. It has an internal 4.7kOhm pull-down resistor.
This card must have the power supplied while it is connected to
the PC. If power is removed to the card while it is connected to the PC, noise can
be introduced to the output lines. This can create a dangerous situation as relays
or other devices that might be connected to this card could get activated.