C11G (Rev.8.2) User Manual
Revision: 01/27/2010 http://cnc4pc.com/TechDocs/C11GR8_2_User_Manual.pdf 5/21
Fig. 3 Simplified functional block diagram for the inputs.
Pins 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 can be set to pull-down or pull-up by selecting the
jumper in the appropriate position.
The input pins can be set to be pulled up or down with a 4.7Kohm resistor.
1-2: PULL-UP
5. Special Functions
5.1 Safety
Charge Pump “SCHP”. (Pin 17)
This board takes advantage of Mach ability to send a specific frequency through
one of the pins of the parallel port when the program is in control of the system.
CNC machinery can be very dangerous, and you could have a risk of the machine