Climbing Technology by Aludesign S.p.A. via Torchio 22
24034 Cisano B.sco BG ITALY
IST22-SKEVOCT_rev.2 05-21
The instruction manual for this device consists of general and specific instructions,
both must be carefully read and understood before use.
This leaflet
shows the specific instruction only.
This note contains the necessary information for a correct use of the following
product/s: SKC EVO LINE rigid or flexible anchor line.
(Fig. 1).
This product is a personal protective device (P.P.E.) against falls from height; it is
compliant with the Regulation (EU) 2016/425. EN 353-1:2014+A1:2017 -
Guided type fall arrester including a rigid anchor line. EN 353-2:2002 - Guided
type fall arrester including a flexible anchor line.
Skc Evo device has
been tested and approved as a component of the Skc Evo Line system.
To install the system Skc Evo Line, it is necessary to use only the components
indicated in the paragraph 3.
For this product the indications of the
standard EN 365 must be respected (general instructions / paragraph 2.5).
For this product a periodic thorough inspection is compulsory (general
instructions / paragraph 8.)
Refer to the legend in the general instructions (paragraph
9 / table D): M2; N1.
(Fig. 1). SKC EVO LINE system components: A) Fall arrest
device. B) Galvanized-steel cable Ø 8 mm 7x19 (6x19 + steel central core)
C) Stainless steel cable AISI 316 Ø 8 mm 7x19 (6x19 + steel central core).
D) Stainless steel thimble. E) Stainless steel, oval shaped Ø 8 mm quick link. F)
Stainless-steel wire-rope grip. G) Stainless steel tensioner. H) Stainless steel anchor
braket for central installation on the ladder. I) Stainless steel anchor braket for side
installation on the ladder. L) Stainless steel cable guide for central mounting on the
ladder. M) Stainless steel cable guide for side mounting on the ladder. N) Iden-
tification display.
Verify the components names, codes and materials
in the table 1. Skc Evo device components (Fig. 3): A) Body. B) Locking lever. C)
Locking cam. D) Reel. E) Oneway mobile body system. F) Carabiner for webbing
connection. G) Webbing with energy absorber. H) Terminal connector.
Numbers/letters without caption: refer to the legend in the general instructions
(paragraph 5).
4.1 - General
(Fig. 2). Fall arrest device:1; 4; 6; 7; 8; 9; 11; 12; 19; 30)
Warning stating that the device can be used only as a component of the Skc Evo
Line system; 31) Warning about the fact that the cable used must comply with the
needs of the fall arrester; 32) Warning indicating that the device and the anchor
line are designed for use by a single user of a weight between 50 kg (excluding
equipment) and 140 kg (including equipment); 33) Warning stating that the ener-
gy absorber can be used only as a component of the Skc Evo device.
Identification display: 3; 4; 6; 34) Area to fill in for the identification of the device;
35) Use only with SKC EVO device; 36) Read the manufacturer’s instructions; 37)
Wear a harness with EN 361 sternal attachment point; 38) Direction of use and
fall clearance distance; 39) Maximum number of users; 40) Installation date and
number of; 41) Periodic inspection; 42) Installer.
4.2 - Traceability
(Fig. 2). Fall arrest device: T1; T2; T3; T8. Cable: T2; T8.
Further to the checks listed below, comply with what indicated in the general
instructions (paragraph 3). Before each use, verify that: the lifeline is intact and in
adequate conditions; there are no lacerations of the seams in the initial area of
the absorber due to the arrest of a fall; the protective absorber sheath is present
and in a condition as to allow the inspection of the webbing below; the carabiner
inserted into the hole of the locking cam can rotate without any external impedi-
ments; the mobile body of the oneway system can move freely (see section 8.2).
Do not use neither the rigid anchor line nor the fall arrester device for
carrying out rescue manoeuvres, in that case an appropriate additional system
must be employed. During each use: always verify the correct placement of the
cable inside the device; pay attention using iced or dirty cables and any foreign
body which might prevent the good working of the locking cam on the cable.
Any work at height requires the use of Personal Protection Equip-
ment (PPE) as a protection against the risk of a fall. Before accessing the work
station, all the risk factors must be evaluated (environmental, concomitant, conse-
6.1 - Anchor points.
For the installation of a rigid anchor line (EN 353-1) or of a
flexible anchor line (EN 353-2) you should only use anchor brakets and/or an-
chor points that conform with the standard EN 795 (minimum resistance 12 kN or
18 kN for non-metallic anchors) and that no sharp edges are present.
The user should always be below the anchor point.
Skc Evo Line system is composed by
a range of components that can be assembled together in order to build a flexible
or rigid lifeline for the central (Fig. 7.1) or side (Fig. 7.2) installation on ladders.
Make sure that the ladder is suitable for the installation of a permanent
Once the lifeline has been assembled, it is mandatory to verify
the conformity of the whole system.
7.1 - Rigid lifeline EN 353-1 warnings.
Install the rigid lifeline on the ladder using
exclusively the indicated components.
Skc Evo Line lifeline can have an
inclination of maximum 15° and must be tensioned to 1 kN (Fig. 7.1).
Pay particular attention to the lifeline orientation, which must correspond to what
is showed (Fig. 7.1).
The fall arrest devices including a stainless steel
rigid anchor line should not be installed in highly corrosive atmospheres (e.g.
above a swimming pool) because any signs of cracking due to stress corrosion
cracking would not be visible. The installation may however be carried out in the
case where control measures have been implemented or the compatibility has
been determined.
Before the installation, check the compatibility of
the line with the surrounding environment, especially in the case of particularly
aggressive atmospheres.
7.2 - Rigid lifeline EN 353-1 side installation on ladder. 1
) Drill two holes Ø 13
mm into the lower central part of the post of the ladder. The distance between the
holes must be 100 mm. 2) Drill two holes Ø 13 mm into the upper central part
of the post of the ladder. The distance between the holes must be 100 mm. 3)
Install the anchor braket (Mod. S-Ladder Kit) into the two upper holes located on
the post of the ladder by using the counter plate and the two nuts and bolts sup-
plied (Ø 12 x 100). Tighten using a spanner N°19. 4) Insert the quick link (Mod.
Q-Link S-Steel 08) into the braket hole and, afterwards, connect the stainless steel
(Mod. SS Cable) or galvanized steel (Mod. GS Cable) cable loop. 5) Tighten
the maillon rapide closure screw by using a spanner N°13. 6) Lay the stainless
steel cable downwards until you reach the bottom end of the ladder. 7) Install the
anchor braket (Mod. S-Ladder Kit) into the two lower holes located on the post
of the ladder by using the counter plate and the two nuts and bolts supplied (Ø
12 x 100). Tighten using a spanner N°19. 8) Place one end of the tensioner
(Mod. Tensioner) in close proximity to the anchor bracket. Install the tensioner
pin, correctly passing it through the hole on the anchor bracket; then lock it using
the dedicated safety ring. Set the tensioner to its maximum extension by turning
its central body. 9) Place the thimble (Mod. Redance) in the upper end of the
tensioner, let the cable trough and bend it over. 10) Locate the 4 wire-rope grips
(Mod. U-Bolt) at a distance of approximately 10 cm one from the other and tighten
the nuts with a spanner N° 10. 11) Turn, at first by hand, the central body of the
tensioner so that the cable is pre-tensioned. Next, tighten the central body of the
tensioner using a spanner, 16 or 17 mm. 12) Screw the two lock nuts against the
central body of the tensioner and tighten them using a spanner, 17 mm. 13). If
necessary, prepare some guide brakets (Mod. S-Guide) at a maximum distance
of 8 m one from the other and/or from the anchor points. To install the guide
bracket, drill two Ø 13 mm holes at appropriate centre distance and use the two
bolts (Ø 12) supplied with the equipment. Tighten them using a spanner, 19 mm.
Comply with the tightening torque values shown in the table (Fig. 7.3).
7.3 - Rigid lifeline EN 353-1 central installation on ladder.
1) Position the anchor
braket (Mod. C-Ladder Kit) on the two steps on the upper part of the ladder. Fix the
two counter plates using four bolts (Ø 12 x 90) and tighten them using a spanner
N°19. 2) Carry out what is indicated in points 4 to 6 of paragraph 7.2. 3) Posi-
tion another anchor braket (Mod. C-Ladder Kit) on the two steps on the upper part
of the ladder. Fix the two counter plates using four bolts (Ø 12 x 90) and tighten
them using a spanner N°19. 4) Carry out what is indicated in points 8 to 12 of
paragraph 7.2. 5). If necessary, prepare some guide brakets (Mod. S-Guide) at
a maximum distance of 8 m one from the other and/or from the anchor points.
Install the guide bracket using the dedicated U-bolts and tighten the nuts using a
spanner, 8 mm.
Comply with the tightening torque values shown in the
table (Fig. 7.3).
7.4 - Installation of a flexible anchor line EN 353-2
(Fig. 7.2). Install the flexible
lifeline as showed. To improve the performance of the fall arrester, the lower end
of the flexible line must always be secured by means of a weight (5 kg).
Skc Evo device can be used only in combination with a Skc Evo Line lifeline.
8.1 - Connecting to the anchor line.
Press the locking lever (Fig. 4.2) and while
keeping it pressed down as necessary, rotate the locking cam until it is fully
opened (Fig. 4.3 - 4.4). Place the device on the cable making sure it is in the
correct direction (Fig. 4.4), and then release the locking cam and the locking lever
so as to prevent the cable from coming out of the device (Fig. 4.5). To remove the
device from the cable hold the locking lever and open the locking cam as indicat-
ed above.
The connection and the disconnection from the anchor line
should be carried out from a safe position or with the use of a separate individual
system against falls.
8.2 - Oneway safety system.
The device is equipped with the oneway safety
system which when the device is turned upside down, prevents the locking cam
from opening, thus reducing the risk of the incorrect insertion on the cable.
Risk of
The device only works in one direction. If it is installed incorrectly or in the
wrong direction, the risk of death is present (Fig. 4.8).
8.3 - Function test.
Slide the fall arrest device upwards, passing it via the connec-
tor to verify it slides freely (Fig. 4.6). Then pull the device quickly downwards, to
verify that the fall arrester will immediately block on the cable (Fig. 4.7).
8.4 - Connection to the harness
(Fig. 6). Connect the terminal connector to the