C l i m a t e M a s t e r W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t P u m p s
C L I M A T E M A S T E R W A T E R - S O U R C E H E A T P U M P S
Tr a n q u i l i t y
2 2 ( T Y ) S e r i e s
R e v. : 1 2 / 1 7 / 1 4
Horizontal Installation
Figure 3: Typical Horizontal Unit Installation
Air Coil
- To obtain maximum performance, the air coil
should be cleaned before start-up. A 10% solution of
dishwasher detergent and water is recommended for
both sides of the coil. A thorough water rinse should
UV based anti-bacterial systems may damage
coated air coils.
Installation Note - Ducted Return: Many
horizontal WSHPs are installed in a return air ceiling
plenum application (above ceiling). Vertical WSHPs are
commonly installed in a mechanical room with free return
(e.g. louvered door). Therefore, fi lter rails are the industry
standard and are included on ClimateMaster commercial
heat pumps for the purposes of holding the fi lter only.
For ducted return applications, the fi lter rail must be
removed and replaced with a duct fl ange or fi lter frame.
Canvas or fl exible connectors should also be used to
minimize vibration between the unit and ductwork.
(by others)
Ball Valve with optional
integral P/T plug
Stainless steel braid hose
with integral "J" swivel
Unit Power
Power Wiring
Insulated supply duct with
at least one 90 deg elbow
to reduce air noise
Return Air
Supply Air
Unit Hanger
Unit Power
Flexible Duct
Optional Water Control Valve