Once a phone has been paired with the SCOUT 355B unit, that phone will be registered with the unit, and
subsequent uses should only require a connecting process.
TToo ooppeenn M
Moobbiillee PPhhoonnee::
Tap on the Main Menu panel.
The Mobile Phone initializing pad displays.
IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr PPaaiirriinngg yyoouurr pphhoonnee w
wiitthh tthhee SSC
UTT 335555BB::
1. Press the Pairing button.
2. Bluetooth setting on your mobile phone
Turn on the Bluetooth feature on your mobile phone and set your phone to search for Bluetooth devices.
is found, register the device with your phone (PIN number is 0000)
When Pairing is complete, you will see the following screen on the SCOUT 355B unit.
SCOUT 355(B) fundamentals
Mobile Phone-SCOUT 355B only