TToo rreecchhaarrggee tthhee ddeevviiccee uussiinngg tthhee A
C aaddaapptteerr::
1. Plug the AC adapter into any AC current outlet.
2. Connect the AC adapter cord to the power connector on the left panel of the device.
The power LED indicator lights up orange during charging. The hot keys backlight is also lit up.
3.Once charging is complete, as indicated when the power LED indicator lights up green, disconnect the AC adapter
cord from the device.
TToo rreecchhaarrggee tthhee ddeevviiccee uussiinngg tthhee ccaarr cchhaarrggeerr::
Use the car charger to recharge the device while it is mounted on the vehicle. Perform step 7 of the
TToo sseett uupp tthhee
ddeevviiccee oonn yyoouurr vveehhiiccllee
section for instructions.
SCOUT 355(B) fundamentals
Hardware interface