9. Sanctions
9.1. The Licensor hereby informs the User that according to regulations of the CA, should the
Licensor find its rights to be breached, the Licensor may
9.1.1. claim the acknowledgement of such breach by court;
9.1.2. claim ceasing the breach and ordering the person under breach from continuing such;
9.1.3. claim that the person under breach give proper compensation (even by way of publicity, to the
expense of the person under breach);
9.1.4. claim the return of the increase of assets due to the breach;
9.1.5. claim ceasing the breaching situation, the restitution of the state before the breach, to the
expense of the person in breach, and may claim the destruction of instruments and materials used for
the breach, and that of the objects created by the breach;
9.1.6. claim damages.
9.2. The Licensor hereby also informs the User that the breach of copyrights and related rights is a
crime according to Act IV of 1978 on the Criminal Code, which may draw as a sanction a sentence of
two years in prison in basic cases and up to eight years in prison in qualified cases.
9.3. For disputes arising from present Agreement the parties hereby agree on the exclusive
competence of - depending on value and title disputed - either the Central Court of Budapest Districts
(Pesti Központi Kerületi Bíróság) or the Municipal Court of Budapest (F
városi Bíróság).