How to use Help
How to use Help
The Tester is provided with an on-line help function, which can be
called up when the test screens are displayed, by pressing the
HELP fast key.
Each test will have three or four help pages depending on
information content.
Help Provided to the User
The Help function provides the following information:-
Description of Test
The first help page shown contains information on the particular test,
including its icon and a description of the purpose of the test.
How to Perform Tests
The second page of information describes how the Tester performs
the test. A diagram showing how to connect the Tester to the EUT
is included. A description of how to connect the test leads and
perform the test is provided in a step-by-step format.
Why tests fail
The final page of information provides guidance on why a test may
fail e.g. connection problems. This includes a step-by-step checklist
to ensure all of the connections are correct and secure.