5.2.7 Setting baud rate (data transmission rate)
The data transmission rate (baud rate) determines the speed of the transmission via the
serial interface.
The unit is baud (1 baud (bd) = 1 bit/second).
The following setting are available. bd 300, bd 600, bd 1200, bd 2400, bd 4800, bd 9600
(default), bd 19200, bd 57600
5.2.8 Setting Parity
This feature determines the parity of the transmitted data. The following settings are
available: Parity, None (default), odd, even, mark, space.
5.2.9 Stop Bit Selection
This setting allows the user to select the stop bit for the transmitted data.
The following settings are available: stop bit 1 (Default) and stop bit 2.
Print Menu
5.2.10 Selecting data transfer mode
In this menu block you tell the balance how a value should be transferred to a
peripheral device (e.g. computer).
Prn. req
The next possible stable value will be transferred after triggering of the
Print key.
Prn. Con
All Values will be continuously transferred regardless of stability.
Prn. oFF
Data Transfer mode switched off
Prn. Aut
Next Possible stable value will be transfer automatically when the display
weight changes by + 1d.
Prn A.Ld Next possible stable value will be transferred automatically when the
display weight changes by +/- 10d
GLP Menu Setting
GLP oFF If the user select this option then the balance
print format are not compliance to ISO/GLP/GMP.
GLP on If the user select this option then the balance
print format are compliance to ISO/GLP/GMP.
If user selected GLP ON do ensure that user print footer for entering into next
transaction and enter into user Menu or Calibration.