28 Installing and Upgrading the CSC-C2FCIT FDDI Card and Appliques
Upgrading Microcode
Additional C2FCIT Commands
In addition to the show commands already described, two new commands are available with the
Software Release 9.1 or later C2FCIT card: [no] fddi encapsulate and [no] fddi if-cmt. The
command fddi encapsulate is used to put the C2FCIT interface into encapsulation mode when
bridging. In this mode, the C2FCIT card will interoperate with earlier C2FCI or C2FCIT
encapsulating interfaces on the same ring when bridging.
The command no fddi encapsulate will turn off the encapsulation mode and return the C2FCIT
interface back to its native “pure” transparent (nonencapsulating) mode.
The fddi encapsulate command can only be used with C2FCIT interfaces because the C2FCI card
is always in encapsulating bridge mode.
The command fddi if-cmt is used to enable the new configuration management (CMT) feature that
is now in the microcode on the C2FCIT card. This feature is on by default, but may be turned off
with the no fddi if-cmt command. This command would typically be used when you are working
with a new piece of FDDI equipment and bringing the ring up presents a problem. The “cmt-plus”
microcode will be disabled using the no fddi if-cmt command, and the debug fddi-cmt-events
feature will be turned on. This enables the main system code rather than the CMT microcode to
perform the CMT function while debugging output is generated.
More information is displayed in the show commands than is required for testing the C2FCIT
or microcode EPROM installation. For further information about the show commands, refer to the
Router Products Configuration Guide and Router Products Command Reference publications.
Restarting the System
After the FDDI module installation (or microcode upgrade) tests successfully, take the following
Step 1
Turn OFF the system power and unplug the power cable.
Step 2
Replace and secure top cover and front panel of the router.
Step 3
Install the system in the network.
This completes the installation of the FDDI card and FDDI applique.
Upgrading Microcode
This procedure is required only if you need to change or upgrade the microcode EPROM device on
your CSC-C2FCIT card from Microcode Versions 10.0 (the initial release), 10.1, or 10.2 to Version
10.3. Microcode Version 10.3 requires Software Release 9.1(1) or later.
Before proceeding, use the show version command to ensure that the current system software is
Software Release 9.1(1) or later. As shown in the following partial display, the first line of the show
version output indicates the current software version, which is 9.1(8) in this example:
router# show version
GS Software (GS3-BFX), Version 9.1(8)
Copyright (c) 1986-1993 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 03-Feb-93 02:24