Installing and Upgrading the CSC-C2FCIT FDDI Card and Appliques 31
Upgrading Microcode
To prevent damaging the new EPROM and PROM components, ensure that you replace
each component with the notched end in the correct orientation. Align the notch on the new
component with the notch on the socket. Do not use the label on the component as an indicator for
correct orientation.
Step 7
Replace the card in the card cage. Place your thumbs on the ejector levers, and push the
card in firmly until it snaps into place and is firmly seated in the slot.
Step 8
Looking at the four connectors on the front edge of the C2FCIT card, attach the ribbon
cables from left to right. Refer to the section “Connecting Internal and External Cables” on
page 20.
Step 9
Attach any cables that you removed from other cards.
Step 10
Turn ON power to the system for an installation check, which is described in the section
“Testing the Installation” on page 23.
If the microcode component is not installed correctly, or if any of the pins are bent during
installation, the ciscoBus card will not recognize that a card exists in that ciscoBus slot. The
corresponding LED on the ciscoBus card will not light. If this happens, remove the component,
straighten any bent pins, then reinsert it and try again.
To verify the microcode version for the C2FCIT card after the system boots successfully, use the
show controller fddi command as follows:
router# show controller fddi
Fddi0 - hardware version 7.3, microcode version 10.3
Phy-A registers:
cr0 4, cr1 0, cr2 0, status 6, cr3 0
Phy-B registers:
cr0 4, cr1 4, cr2 0, status 6, cr3 0
FORMAC registers:
irdtlb 73A4, irdtneg F85E, irdthtt 5D49, irdmir FFFF0BDC
irdtrth F85F, irdtmax FBC5, irdtvxt 8585, irdstmc 0810
irdmode 6A20, irdimsk 0000, irdstat 8060, irdtpri 0000
FDDI-T registers
ccb: 0026 cmd: 0006 fr: 000F mdptr: 0000 mema: 0000
icb: 0090 arg: 0003 app: 0004 mdpg: 0000 af: 0700
clm: E002 bcn: E016 clbn: 0150 rxoff: 002A en: 0001
clmbc: 8011 bcnbc: 8011 robn: 0000 park: 0000 fop: 9078
txchn: 0000 pend: 0000 act: 0000 tail: 0000 cnt: 0000
state: 0003 check: 0000 eof: 0000 tail: 0000 cnt: 0000
rxchn: 0000 buf0: 048C nxt0: 0468 eof: 0000 tail: 0000
eofch: 0000 buf1: 0450 nxt1: 0498 pool: 0050 err: 005C
head: 0A44 cur: 0498 t0: 0030 t1: 0025 t2: 0028
tail: 0A44 cnt: 0001 t3: 0000 rxlft: 0041 used: 0000
txq_s: 001C txq_f: 001C Aarm: 0000 Barm: 1388 fint: 9078
For descriptions of additional commands and examples, refer to the Router Products Configuration
Guide publication. If you have any problems, contact a customer service representative.