Cisco 2600 Series Hardware Installation Guide
ROM Monitor Syntax Conventions
ROM Monitor Syntax Conventions
The ROM monitor syntax in this appendix uses the following conventions:
Square brackets [ ] denote an optional element. In the following example, the element
abc is not required, but you can specify it if you choose:
command [abc]
If a minus option is followed by a colon (for example, [-s:]) you must provide an
argument for the option.
A term in italics means that you must fill in the appropriate information. In the following
example, you replace the term in italics with the interface type you are using:
command type interface
Command Descriptions
This section lists some useful ROM monitor commands. Refer to the Cisco IOS
configuration guides and command references for more information on ROM monitor
boot or b—Boot an image.
— b boots the first image in Flash memory.
— b flash:[name] boots the Cisco IOS software from the Flash memory.
— b filename tftpserver boots from the specified file over the network from the
specified Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server. For example:
boot c2600-i-mz