6 : M e c h a n i c a l a n d E l e c t r o n i c A d j u s t m e n t s
35/70 Service/PM Manual
March, 1997
BOF and EOF Adjustments
The BOF and EOF sensors are VR7 and VR6, respectively, on the CPU/Main Logic card circuit diagram in Section 8.7.
These sensors operate by detecting either the amount of light reflected from the film (non-active) or a piece of
FORMLINE silver tape attached to the film (active). The tape should be 3/8 inch wide; it should be placed near the
sprocket holes on the inboard side for the BOF sensor and on the outboard side for the EOF sensor. The sensors are
located just above the pulldown sprocket in the gate area. Tape should be placed on the emulsion side of the film.