Chapter 5 Function Parameter Detail SVF-MN Series Frequency Inverter Operation Manual
Carrier freq. setting
12 kHz
This parameter is used to set the carrier frequency outputted by
This function is used to adjust the carrier frequency of the inverter.
By adjusting carrier frequency, motor noise could be lowered,
resonance point of mechanical system could be avoided, leakage
current that the line to ground could be decreased and interference
caused by inverter could also be lowered. When carrier frequency is
lower, output current ultra harmonics component increase, loss of
machine increase, temperature rise in electric motors increases.
When carrier frequency is higher, the loss of machine will be
decreased, temperature rising in electric motors will be decreased too;
but the loss of inverter will be increased, the inverter temperature
rising will be increased, and interference increase. The effect caused
by carrier frequency to equipment and environment are as the
following table:
Motor noise
Temperature rise in electric motors
Output current smoothness
Inverter temperature rise
Leakage current
Carrier frequency
Radiated disturbance
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