1 Operational Manual
I) CCCCC: End-position setup for low pressure mold-closing.
2.20.3 Mold-Opening Stroke Setup:
A) D1: Speed setup for slow-speed mold opening.
B) D2: Pressure setup for slow-speed mold opening.
B) DDDDD: End-position setup for slow-speed mold opening.
D) E1: Speed setup for fast-speed mold opening.
E) E2: Pressure setup for fast-speed mold opening.
F) EEEE.E: End-position setup for fast-speed mold opening.
G) F1: Speed setup for decelerate-speed mold opening.
H) F2: Pressure setup for decelerate-speed mold opening.
I) FFFF.F: End-position setup for decelerate-speed mold opening.
2.20.4 Ejector Forward Stroke Setup:
A) G1: Speed setup for ejector forward 1.
B) G2: Pressure setup for ejector forward 1.
C) GGG.G: End-position setup for ejector forward 1.
D) H1: Speed setup for ejector forward 2.
E) H2: Pressure setup for ejector forward 2.
F) HHH.H: End-position setup for ejector forward 2.
2.20.5 Ejector Backward Stroke Setup:
A) I1: Speed setup for ejector backward 1.
B) I2: Pressure setup for ejector backward 1.
C) III.I: End-position setup for ejector backward 1.
D) J1: Speed setup for ejector backward 2.
E) J2: Pressure setup for ejector backward 2.
F) JJJ.J: End-position setup for ejector backward 2.
G) bbbbb: Number setup of cycle ejector in auto mode, the number plus 1 when the
ejector reached the end-position.
H) aaaa.a: In auto mode, the stay times of end-position for ejector forward.
2.20.6 Injection Stroke Setup:
A) K1: First speed setup for injection.
B) K2: First pressure setup for injection.
C) KKK.K: First end-position setup for injection.
D) L1: Second speed setup for injection.
E) L2: Second pressure setup for injection.
F) LLL.L: Second end-position setup for injection.
G) M1: Third speed setup for injection.