Operator's Manual
HPS10 Pellet Stove
Check for parts online at
or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5 CST
all applIcable buIldIng codes for
your locatIon must be followed. In
areas where buIldIng codes requIre
addItIonal steps to the InstallatIon
of thIs product not Included In thIs
manual, the buIldIng codes wIll take
precedent and must be followed.
contact your local buIldIng Inspec-
tor to obtaIn any necessary permIts
or InspectIon guIdelInes before In-
stallIng the product.
• Contact local building or fire officials about
restrictions and installation inspection require-
ments in your area.
• Contact your local authority (such as munici-
pal building department, fire department,
fire prevention bureau, etc.) to determine the
need for a permit.
• The Castle Pellet Stoves pellet stove is de-
signed to burn pellet fuel only.
• A working smoke detector is required and
must be installed in the same room as the
• This stove is not intended for use in commer-
cial applications.
• Door and ash pan must be closed and latched
during operation.
• Notify your insurance company of pellet stove
• This installation must conform with local
codes. In the absence of local codes you
must comply with ASTM E1509, (UM) 84-hud,
ulc/ordC-1482, and UCL S627-2000.
• The structural integrity of the manufactured
home floor, wall, and ceiling/roof must be
• Keep combustible materials (such as grass,
leaves, etc.) at least three feet away from the
flue outlet on the outside of the building.
• This stove should not be used as the only
source of heat in the house. Power outages
and periodic maintenance will result in a total
loss of heat.
• Do not leave hopper door open while unat-
InstallatIon and repaIr of thIs pellet
stove should be done by a qualIfIed ser-
vIce person. the applIance should be In-
spected before use and at least once a
year by a qualIfIed servIce person. It Is
ImperatIve that the control compart-
ments, fIre box, and the cIrculatIng aIr
passageways of the stove be kept clean.
the operatIon of exhaust fans such as
bathroom fans, attIc fans, etc. mIght
starve the pellet stove of combustIble
aIr creatIng a negatIve pressure In the
room. provIde adequate ventIlatIon
of the room accompanyIng the pellet
stove. If not, the pressure swItch may
shut off operatIon of the pellet stove.
The movIng parts of thIs stove are pro-
pelled by hIgh torque electrIc motors.
these parts can cause severe damage
to body parts that get near them. keep
all body parts away from auger and
fans whIle the stove Is plugged Into an
electrIcal outlet. these movIng parts
may begIn to move at any tIme the stove
Is plugged In.
the vent surfaces can get hot enough to
cause burns If touched. noncombustIble
shIeldIng or guards may be requIred.
Install vent at clearances specIfIed by
the vent manufacturer.
all ventIng JoInts, whether vertIcal or
horIzontal, should be made gas-tIght
wIth recommended sealants specIfIed
by vent manufacturer.
accordIng to hud (housIng & urban
development) requIrements, when In-
stalled In a mobIle home, thIs stove
must be grounded dIrectly to the steel
chassIs of the mobIle home and bolted
to the floor. dIrect aIr access must be
provIded, use a fresh aIr kIt.
for use In the unIted states and cana-
da. approved for InstallatIon In mo-
bIle homes.
castle pellet stoves, producer of thIs
applIance, reserves the rIght to alter
Its products, specIfIcatIons and/or
prIce wIthout notIce.