Operator's Manual
HPS10 Pellet Stove
Check for parts online at
or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5 CST
It is recommended the stove be installed and serviced by
authorized professionals who are certified by the National
Fireplace Institute (NFI) as NFI Pellet Specialists.
Proper installation of this stove is necessary for safe and
efficient operation. Installing this product improperly may
result in a house fire and personal injury. All applicable
building codes for your location must be followed. In
areas where building codes require additional steps to the
installation of this product not included in this manual,
the building codes will take precedent and must be
followed. Contact your local building inspector to obtain
any necessary permits or inspection guidelines before
installing the product.
stove placement
Sketch out a plan for installing the stove including
dimensions before permanent placement. When
determining the location for the stove, wall stud location
is critical. You may need to adjust the location of the stove
to avoid trying to vent through a wall stud. Before placing
the pellet stove, connect the vent and allow for minimum
clearance to combustible walls.
floor protectIon requIrements
The stove must be installed on a noncombustible floor,
with proper floor protection, or on a masonry hearth.
When a clean out t-vent is installed in the inside of a home,
the floor protector must extend 2” beyond rear of t-vent.
see fIgure 1
. When stove is vented straight through
the wall and the clean out t-vent is on the exterior of the
home, the minimum clearance is 2” from the back of the
stove to the wall.
see fIgure 2.
The minimum floor
protector material is 24 GA. sheet metal.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figures 1 and 2: Pellet stove floor pad clearances
read thIs entIre manual before you
Install and use thIs stove. faIlure to
follow the InstructIons may result
In property damage, bodIly InJury, or
even death.
do not Install a flue damper In the ex-
haust ventIng system of thIs unIt.
do not connect thIs unIt to a chImney
flue servIng another applIance.
chIldren and adults should be alert-
ed to the hazards of hIgh surface tem-
peratures and should stay away to
avoId bumps to skIn and/or clothIng.
young chIldren should be carefully
supervIsed when they are In the same
room as the stove.
clothIng and other flammable materIals
should not be placed on or near thIs unIt.
thIs stove should not be used as the
only source of heat In the house. power
outages and perIodIc maIntenance wIll
result In a total loss of heat.
contact local buIldIng or fIre offIcIals
about restrIctIons and InstallatIon
InspectIon requIrements In your area.
contact your local authorIty (such
as munIcIpal buIldIng department, fIre
department, fIre preventIon bureau,
etc.) to determIne the need for a
keep combustIble materIals (such as
grass, leaves, etc.) at least 3 feet away
from the flue outlet on the outsIde of
the buIldIng.
InstallatIon and repaIr of thIs pellet
stove should be done by a qualIfIed
servIce person. the applIance should
be Inspected before use and at least
annually by a qualIfIed servIce person. It
Is ImperatIve that control compartments,
fIre box, and cIrculatIng aIr passageways
of the stove be kept clean.