Operator's Manual
HPS10 Pellet Stove
Check for parts online at
or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5 CST
• Important operatIng and maInte-
nance InstructIons Included.
• read, understand and follow these
InstructIons for safe InstallatIon
and operatIon.
• leave thIs manual wIth party re-
sponsIble for use and operatIon.
please read thIs entIre manual before
InstallatIon and use of thIs pellet
fuel-burnIng room heater. faIlure to
follow these InstructIons could re-
sult In property damage, bodIly InJury
or even death.
• do not store or use gasolIne or oth-
er flammable vapors and lIquIds In
the vIcInIty of thIs or any other ap-
• do not overfIre - If any external
part starts to glow, you are over-
fIrIng. reduce feed rate. overfIrIng
wIll voId the warranty.
• comply wIth all mInImum clearances
to combustIbles as specIfIed. faIlure
to comply may cause a house fIre.
tested and approved for pellet fuel.
burnIng any other type of fuel voIds
check buIldIng codes prIor to Installa-
tIon. contact the regulatIng author-
Ity prIor to InstallatIon to determIne
the need for a permIt.
• InstallatIon must comply wIth lo-
cal, regIonal, state and natIonal
codes and regulatIons
• consult local buIldIng or fIre offI-
cIals about restrIctIons and Instal-
latIon InspectIon requIrements In
your area.
hot! do not touch. severe burns may
result. clothIng IgnItIon may result.
glass and other surfaces are hot dur-
Ing operatIon and cool down.
• keep chIldren away.
• carefully supervIse chIldren In same
room as applIance.
• do not operate wIth protectIve bar-
rIers open or removed.
• keep clothIng, furnIture, draperIes
and other combustIbles away.