Reference Manual V1.10
Software Versions 3.xx
Page 46
Special Functions Key
13.1. Introduction
The K376 firmware allows for the <FUNCTION> key to be configured to a range of
special functions. As the K376 firmware allows for check weighing, there is an
additional special function available where the key can be used to gain access to the
check weighing threshold values.
Refer to KEY.FN
page 33 to configure the function key.
When leaving the factory, the <FUNCTION> key is blank and has no function pre-
programmed. Each function has an associated overlay sticker supplied that should
be applied to the function key to label the function. Ensure the keypad is clean and
dry before affixing the sticker. Refer to Cleaning page 7 for more information.
13.2. Key Functions
13.2.1. NONE
When set to
the special function key is not used during normal operation. This is the
default setting.
13.2.2. TEST
Press the
key to clear the display then show all segments of the display then clear
the display again before returning to normal operation.
13.2.3. COUNT
Use this key to perform pieces counting. Press the
key to switch between weight
display and counts display. The instrument annunciator shows
for pieces.
To record a new sample do the following:
Tare off any containers.
Place the sample on the scale
Press and hold the
key for two seconds. The default number of items in the
sample will be displayed.
Use the
keys to alter the number of items.
and the current sample will be stored against the entered items.
If printing is enabled the sample quantity and weight will be printed.
13.2.4. UNITS
Use the
key to switch the displayed reading between
. This will affect the
displayed and printed weight but will not affect any data entry. The following is a sample of a
printout displaying kg and lb.
000009 06/05/2003 16:31
2.8 kg G
000010 06/05/2003 16:31
6.1 lb G
13.2.5. HOLD and PEAK HOLD
key implements a manual
function. The
key implements a
function where the largest absolute weight, either positive or negative is stored in the