Reference Manual V1.10
Software Versions 3.xx
Page 45
Check Weighing
The instrument is capable of performing as a check weigher. The status of the check weighing is
displayed on the LCD and the three LEDs on the front of the indicator. Each value is associated with
a physical output driver but it may also be simply used as an indicator.
12.1. Check Weighing Menu Setup - CHECK.W
Enable check weighing.
OFF: Check weighing is disabled (turned off).
ON: Check weighing is enabled (turned on).
Default: OFF
SRC (Weight
Source for check
The weight source determines the weight reading that is used for check
GROSS: Use gross weight readings always.
DISP: Use the displayed weight (gross or net).
NET: Use net weight readings always.
Default: GROSS
OVER (Target for
This is the target value for over. This target provides the threshold value when
check weighing is enabled.
–99999 to 999999
Default: 000000
UNDER (Target
for Under)
This is the target value for under. This target provides the threshold value
when check weighing is enabled.
–99999 to 999999
Default: 000000