Reference Manual V1.10
Software Versions 3.xx
Page 30
Setup Menus
8.4.1. BUILD (Scale Build)
Settings within this Group are used to configure the indicator to suit the current application. It is
important to fully set the options within this group before calibration is attempted. Later changes to
items within this group may invalidate the current calibration data.
(Decimal Point
Sets the location of the decimal point on the display. To avoid confusion,
set this parameter first so that all other weight related values are
displayed with the decimal point in the correct position.
Can be set from 000000 (none) to 0.00000
Default: 000000
(Maximum Capacity)
Sets the nominal maximum capacity (or full scale) of the scale. This is
set in weighing units (eg. kg, t, etc.), with the decimal point in place. For
example, if a scale is to weigh 500.0 kg in 0.5 kg increments, CAP is set
to 500.0, and RES is set to 5.
Range: 000100 to 999999
Default: 003000
(Count-by Resolution)
Sets the resolution (or Count-by) of the display. The resolution is the
number by which the indicator will count.
Options are: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100
Default: 1
UNITS (Weighed
Sets the units for display and printing.
Options are: (g) grams, (kg) kilograms, (lb) pounds, (t) tonnes, ( ) none
(ie. other units).
Default: kg
(High Resolution x 10
Sets the instrument to display weight at 10 times resolution. This is
intended for test purposes in trade applications but may be used for
industrial weighing. This mode is indicated by the flashing of the units
Options are: ON or OFF
Default: OFF
(4-Wire or 6-Wire)
Sets the load cell input to operate in 4-wire (auto sense) or 6-wire mode.
Options are: 4 or 6
Default: 6