Specifications are subject to change without notice. Pictures are just an example. For special features and/or customization, please ask to our sales network. 07/18
Project Report
Print of the System composition with properties of each block. (Icon on the standard toolbar).
This definition of PL and of the other related parameters as set forth in ISO 13849 1
only refers to the functions implemented in the Certus system by the CCS configuration
software, assuming configuration has been performed correctly.
The actual PL of the entire application and the relative parameters must consider data
for all the devices connected to the Certus system within the scope of the application.
This must only be performed by the user/installer.
CERTUS Installation Manual
Project Report generated by Certus Configuration Software 1.2.0
Project Name: Sch24 SOLID STATE DEVICE
User: Bianchi
Company: Carlo Gavazzi
Date: 07/11/2011 14.28.48
Schematic CRC: 3A4BH
Certus: Cofiguration
Module CMM (Configured Firmware version: >=1.0
Module C 8I 2O Node 0
Module C 8I 2O Node 1
Module C 4OSSD Node 0
Module C 12I - 8T Node 0
Certus: Safety information’s
PFHd (according to IEC 61508): 2,42E-008 (1/h)
MTTFd (according to EN ISO 13849-1) : 85 years
DCavg (according to EN ISO 13849-1): 98.07%
Resources used
INPUT: 22% (8/36)
Functional Blocks: 3
Timing: 6% (1/16)
Total number blocks: 5% (3/64)
OSSD: 50% (5/10)
STATUS: 20% (2/10)
Electrical diagram
Functional Block 1
Filter (ms): 3
Conteporaneity (ms): 10
Reset Type: Automatic
StartUp Test: True
Functtional Block 2
Filter (ms): 100
Contemporaneity (ms): 500
Reset Type: Manual
StartUp Test: False
C 8I 2O - 0 INPUT1/Terminal17
C 8I 2O - 0 INPUT2/Terminal18
C 8I 2O - 0 INPUT3/Terminal19
Functional Block 3
Filter (ms): 250
Contemporaneity (ms): 1000
Reset Type: Monitored
StartUp Test: False