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Calculation of Safety Distance of an ESPE Connected to Certus
CERTUS Installation Manual
The European standard:
- ISO 13855:2010- (EN 999:2008) Safety of machinery - Positioning of safeguards with
respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body.
provides the elements to calculate the proper safety distance.
Carefully read the installation manual of each device for specific information on the
correct positioning.
Remember that the total response time depends on:
Certus response time + ESPE response time + response time of the machine (i.e. the
time taken by the machine to stop the dangerous movement from the moment in
which the stop signal is transmitted).
Any Electro-Sensitive Protective Equipment device connected to Certus, must be positioned at
a distance equal to or greater than the minimum safety distance S so that the dangerous point
can be reached only after stopping the dangerous movement of the machine.
Electrical Connections
The Certus system units are provided with terminal blocks for the
electrical connections. Each unit can have 8, 16 or 24 terminals.
Each unit also has a rear panel plug-in connector (for communication
with the master and with the other expansion units).
The C 2R and C 4R are connected via terminal
blocks only.
Terminal tightening torque: 5÷7lb-in (0,6÷0,7 Nm).
Install safety units in an enclosure with a protection class of at least IP54.
Connect the module when it is not powered.
The supply voltage to the units must be 24Vdc ±20% (PELV, in compliance with the
standard EN 60204-1 (Chapter 6.4).
Do not use the Certus to supply external devices.
The same ground connection (0VDC) must be used for all system components
1”Describe the methods that designers can use to calculate the minimum safety distance from a specific dangerous point for
the safety devices, particularly Electro-sensitive devices (eg. light curtains), safety-mats or pressure sensitive floors and bimanual
control. It contains a rule to determine the placement of safety devices based on approach speed and the stopping time of the
machine, which can reasonably be extrapolated so that it also includes the interlocking guards without guard locking.”