Specifications are subject to change without notice. Pictures are just an example. For special features and/or customization, please ask to our sales network. 07/18
Input Object
E-Stop (emergency stop)
E-STOP function block verifies an emergency
stop device inputs status. If the emergency
stop button has been pressed the output is 0
(FALSE). If not the output is 1 (TRUE).
Input type:
- Single NC – allows connection of one-way
emergency stops
- Double NC – allows connection of twoway
emergency stops.
Manual reset: If selected this enables the
request to reset each time the emergency
stop is activated. Otherwise, enabling of the
output directly follows the input conditions.
There are two types of reset: Manual and Monitored. When Manual is selected the system
only verifies the signal’s transition from 0 to 1. If Monitored is selected the double transition
from 0 to 1 and then back to 0 is verified.
WARNING: If the Manual Reset is active, a consecutive Input have to be used.
Example: Input 1 and Input 2 are used for the fuctional block, then Input 3 have to be
used for the Reset Input.
Output test: This is used to select which test output signals are to be sent to the emergency
stop (mushroom pushbutton). This additional test makes it possible to detect and manage any
short-circuits between the lines. This additional control permits detection and management
of any short-circuits between the lines. To enable this control, the test output signals must
be configured (amongst those available). Test at start-up: If selected this enables the test at
startup of the external component (emergency stop). This test is performed by pressing and
releasing the pushbutton to run a complete function test and enable the output. This test is only
requested at machine start-up (when the unit is switched on).
CERTUS Installation Manual