Motor Installation
The new Composite-ARF 2 x 2m design allows so many
different choices of power unit that it’s impossible to pro-
vide mounting bulkheads & hardware for all of them!
Therefore, depending on your choice of gas/methanol,
engine you need to modify the ‘generic’ milled plywood
parts we have included, or even make a few of your own.
The original prototype was flown with a DA-50, probably
the top end of the power range that anyone could possi-
ble want ... and it had
of vertical performance! There
are many other gas engines that would be suitable, for
example the Zenoah 38 or ZDZ 40, and ready-to-fly
weight with these will be in the range of 7kg (15.5 LBS)
You could also use a powerful 2 or 4-stroke glow engine, like the OS140/160 or YS140/160 -
which will give excellent, and quiet, flight performance and very light weight.
No engine mounting hardware is included in the kit, because of the many different set-ups
and engine choices.
We have also done extensive flight testing with Electric power, as this is becoming a very popu-
lar choice in many countries now due to stricter noise regulations ... and we can tell you that the
performance of our 2 x 2 Xtra with Electric power is absolutely stunning. We already have a spe-
cial ‘Electric option’ pack available, which will be an extremely common option and this can be
used for the Hacker 50 or Plettenberg 25-13, or modified for other similar units. Ready to fly
weight with these units, using LiPo flight batteries, is just under 6kg (13.2 Lbs). See end of this
section for details.
DA-50 (gas engine installation)
Installation of gas or methanol engines will vary
considerably, depending on your motor choice,
but here we show a typical set-up of the DA-50
and mini-pipe.
Supplied in the standard kit are a pair of 3mm
plywood CNC milled bulkheads which have to
be glued together with epoxy to make a 6mm
thick firewall. These fit at the back of the cowl-
ing cutout (as shown), but the shape can be
modified to fit in the correct position for your
motor. Also supplied are a 3mm support bulk-
head, which is glued horizontally behind the
firewall, and a ‘blank’ 3mm plywood exhaust
bulkhead for fitting vertically immediately in
front of the Landing gear mount. These can be
modified and shaped as needed to make a
support for your mini-pipe or exhaust muffler if needed.
The dimensions and positions below assume you are fitting a DA-50 engine.
Composite-ARF Extra 330L
(2 x 2m)
DA-50 installed