Try to always leave the stab tube fixed in
one stab, and never remove that one bolt, as it
is difficult to find the right position for the stab
tube again if it is removed from both stabs!
The rudder is hinged to the fin with a 2mmØ
wire which passes thru’ 3 phenolic plate hinge
posts that you glue into the CNC milled balsa fin
post supplied in the kit. After hinging, the com-
plete assembly is glued into the back of the fin.
: You must complete the Stabiliser
section and glue the tailwheel support plate into
the fuselage before doing the rudder section,
because access is very difficult afterwards!
Trial fit the double-sided phenolic rudder horn in
the slot that is already milled in the base of the
rudder, and mark the part that will be glued in.
Remove it, mask the exposed parts and scuff
the centre part on both sides with coarse sand-
paper. Glue in place with slow (
5 minute!)
epoxy and microballoons mix, making sure that
it is centred in the rudder. The front edge of the
phenolic horn should be flush against the back
of the balsa false leading-edge.
Prepare the 3 phenolic hinge posts by sanding
both surfaces where they will be glued into the
10mm thick balsa fin post. The balsa false-lead-
ing edge has a 2mm hole milled thru’ it ready for
the hinge wire. Open up the milled slots for the
3 hinge posts as needed. File a point on one end
of the wire, and a small 90° bend on the other
end and push it through the rudder from the top,
capturing the 3 phenolic hinges on the way.
Trial fit the balsa fin post in the back of the fin,
and fit the rudder with 3 - 5mm gap between LE
of rudder and the fin post. Check alignment and
free movement for at least 50° both ways, and
then glue the phenolic hinges into the fin post
with thin CA. A little epoxy/micro mix on the front
face of the fin post where the hinges stick thru’
ensures that they cannot come loose. Trial fit
into fin, and make sure there is 1mm gap
between top of fin and bottom of rudder mass-
balance. Sand the seams smooth if needed.
Rough sand and prepare the inside surfaces of
Composite-ARF Extra 330L
(2 x 2m)