Drill 4mm Ø thru’ the moulded mark in the bottom
of the carbon legs, and the mark in the inside of the
wheelpant for the M4 x 45mm axle bolt. Drill
6.5mmØ at the mark on the outside of the wheel-
pants, opposite the axle hole, to insert the bolt.
Glue a small milled plywood part (20mm x 10mm)
inside the inner surface of each wheel pant, about
6mm above the 4mm Ø hole for the axle bolt. (see
drawing). This part is for the sheetmetal screw that
holds the wheelpant at the correct angle to the car-
bon leg. (see photo)
Insert the wheels of your choice (65 - 70mm Ø) in
the wheelpant. The head of the bolt goes on the
of the wheel, inside the wheel pant. The
order of the items on the bolt is: Bolthead, washer,
wheel hub, washer, washers or wheel collars to
centre the wheel in the wheelpant, M4 nut, washer,
fibreglass wheelpant, carbon landing gear leg, and
finally another washer and the M4 locking nut. A
drop of Loctite on the bolt before tightening the
locknut is good insurance.
To set the correct angle of the wheelpants in rela-
tion to the ground, set the fuselage on a level sur-
face with your choice of tailwheel in place. Eye
through both wheelpants so that they are about
level, and secure with a 2.9Ø x13mm sheetmetal
screw in each, as shown, into the plywood plate in
side the wheel pant.
At the moment C-ARF do not supply an optional
tailwheel assembly for the 2 x 2 Extra, but any
25mm/1” Ø lightweight wheel assembly from a
hobby store will do. You do not need to
make the tailwheel steerable, a simple
castoring action is fine. A milled 3mm ply-
wood plate (15mm x 60mm) is supplied in
the kit for you to glue in the bottom of the
fuselage in front of the fin post to secure
the tailwheel assembly to.
Remember - keep it lightweight at the tail
Composite-ARF Extra 330L
(2 x 2m)
Carbonfibre landing
gear leg
65 -70mm
Ø wheel
M4 bolthead
washers/wheel collars
M4 locknut
M4 nut
milled ply
20 x 10mm