pg. 86
Field Remedy
Follow the procedure below to check the three areas (attributed to the symptom, and clean them
Cleaning procedure of the dust proof glass and the primary charging assembly downstream duct.
1) Open the front cover to remove the inner cover, and then remove the primary charging assembly. At this
point, clean the primary charging assembly if it is soiled.
[Reference] The following parts of the primary charging assembly are periodically replaced every 500,000
sheets. Replace the parts according to paper usage.
- primary charging wire (FB4-3687)
- primary charging wire cleaner (FL2-0462)
- primary charging wire cleaner holder (FL2-2720)
- grid wire (FY1-0883)
2) Remove the dust proof glass and then clean it with lint-free paper.
3) Turn the pre-transfer charging assembly lock lever (developing assembly engagement/release lever) [1]
clockwise [a] to remove the pre-transfer charging assembly. Clean the pre-transfer charging assembly when
the part is soiled.
[Reference] The following parts of the pre-transfer charging assembly are periodically replaced every
500,000 sheets. Replace the parts according to paper usage.
- pre-transfer charging wire (FB4-3687)
- pre-transfer charging wire cleaner (FL2-0462)
- pre-transfer charging wire cleaner holder (FL2-2720)