MW8 & MotionWare User Guide: Issue 1.2.1
Page 38
and use these results to provide a number of measures
from the period. These are described below:
Time in bed:
total elapsed time between the ‘Lights
’ and ‘Got Up’ times.
Assumed sleep:
The total elapsed time between the
’ and ‘Woke Up’ times.
Actual sleep time:
The total time spent in sleep according
to the epoch-by-epoch wake/sleep categorisation.
Actual sleep (%):
Actual sleep time expressed as a
percentage of the assumed sleep time.
Actual wake time:
The total time spent in wake according
to the epoch-by-epoch wake/sleep categorisation.
Actual wake (%):
Actual wake time expressed as a
percentage of the assumed sleep time.
Sleep efficiency (%):
Actual sleep time expressed as a
percentage of time in bed.
Sleep latency:
The time between
‘Lights Out’ and ‘Fell
Sleep bouts:
The number of contiguous sections
categorised as sleep in the epoch-by-epoch wake/sleep
Wake bouts:
The number of contiguous sections
categorised as wake in the epoch-by-epoch wake/sleep
Mean sleep bout:
The average length of each of the sleep
Mean wake bout:
The average length of each of the wake
Immobile mins:
The total time categorised as Immobile in
the epoch-by-epoch mobile/immobile categorisation.
Immobile time (%):
The immobile time expressed as a
percentage of the assumed sleep time.
Mobile mins:
The total time categorised as mobile in the
epoch-by-epoch mobile/immobile categorisation.
Mobile time (%):
The mobile time expressed as a
percentage of the assumed sleep time.
Immobile bouts:
The number of contiguous sections
categorised as immobile in the epoch-by-epoch
mobile/immobile categorisation.
Mean immobile bout:
The average length of each of the
immobile bouts.
Immobile bouts <=1min:
The number of immobile bouts
which were less than or equal to one minute in length.
Immobile bouts <=1min (%):
The number of immobile
bouts less than or equal to one minute expressed as a
percentage of the total number of immobile bouts.