MW8 & MotionWare User Guide: Issue 1.2.1
Page 32
5.11 Editing Data
It is possible to edit periods where there is believed to be
some problem with the recorded data to change or remove
the activity during that period. This may be necessary
where for example the watch was not worn for a period, or
where it is believed an activity gave particularly misleading
activity counts for analysis purposes. The Edit function
may be accessed by selecting a period for analysis in the
manner described in Section 6 Sleep Analysis, then
selecting the Edit analysis function from the list in the
bottom-left of the window.
After selecting the Edit tool, it is possible to fine tune the
time period for t
he edit either by dragging the ‘Start’ and
‘End’ bars on the graph, or by changing the text boxes
containing times below the graph.
Next you must choose to c
hange either the ‘Activity’ or
‘Light’ channel as appropriate. Note that marking missing
data will cause both to be considered as missing.
The data samples within the selected period can be
changed in four different ways:
Missing data
– this will set the data as missing,
where the period is shown with a grey background,
and analysis functions which take an average will
ignore the missing samples.
Fixed value
– this will set the data samples (either
activity or light) to the value entered in the box.
Average of
– this will set the data samples to either
the average of the entire day (including the
selected period), or the average of the day
excluding the selected period. The day is taken as