PM 1000162 000 14
Device handbook SINEAX AMx000
7.8.3 Periodical sending to a SFTP Server
If in the data export scheduler the sending to an SFTP server was selected as action, the appropriate files
will be sent periodically to the SFTP server defined in the settings of the communication.
For improving security you may select that the device connects to trusted hosts only. When activating this
setting the host must be present and sends a public key back to the device. If you accept this key the
associated host will be added to the list of trusted servers.
7.9 Timeouts
The device is designed to display measurements. So, any other procedure will be terminated after a
certain time without user interaction and the last active measurement image will be shown again.
Menu timeout
A menu timeout takes effect after 2 min. without changing the present menu selection. It doesn’t matter if
the currently displayed menu is the main menu or a sub-menu: The menu is closed and the last active
measurement image is displayed again.
Configuration timeout
After 5 min. without interaction in a parameter selection or during entering a value in the settings menu,
the active configuration step is closed and the associated parameter remains unchanged. The next step
depends on what you have done before:
If the user did not change configuration parameters before the aborted step, the main menu will be
displayed and the device starts to monitor a possible menu timeout.
If the user changed configuration parameters before the aborted step, the query “Store configuration
changes?” is shown. If the user does not answer this query within 2 min. this dialogue is closed: The
changed configuration will be stored and activated and then the last active measurement image is
displayed again.