PM 1000162 000 14
Device handbook SINEAX AMx000
6.1 Parametrization of the device functionality
A full parameterization of all functions of the device is possible directly at the device or via web browser.
This assumes that user has the required access rights.
For security reasons, the security features “Users and Permissions” (RBAC) and “Web security” (HTTPS)
may be activated. In this case, before the device webpage can be displayed using https, you have to
install a root certificate
, which is provided via our homepage. Once the certificate is downloaded to the
local computer the certificate can be installed manually. Just double-click on the file, and install the
certificate as a trusted root certification authority.
6.2 Operating LED of AM1000 without display
The operating LED of the AM1000 without display shows the present device state.
LED display
Booting of device
Flashes green (1 Hz)
If successful: Change to static green display
Firmware update
Change to update mode: Static red
During update: Flashes red (1 Hz)
If successful or cancelled: Booting of device
Factory reset or reset of communication
During reset: Flashes red (1 Hz)
Then (for a factory reset): Booting of device
6.3 Installation check
The correct connection of the current and voltage inputs can be checked in two ways.
Sense of rotation check
: Using the sequence of the current and voltage phasors the sense of
rotation is determined and compared to the configured one. The phase rotation indicator is arranged
in the menu “Phasor diagram”.
Test requirement: Magnitude of all connected voltages at least 5% of nominal, magnitude of all
connected currents at least 0.2% of nominal.
Possible results
Correct sense of rotation
Wrong sense of rotation
Missing phase or magnitude too