If the motor control loop still oscillates with the recommended hysteresis values, this is due to the
off-carriage of the antenna drive. Either turn down the motor speed at the motor driver unit or
enlarge the hysteresis value in this case.
Motor drive signals
The sat-nms ACU-ODM, the core module, provides a number of output signals to control a motor
driver unit. These signals (they are available for all three axes) are:
FWD --- Depending on the motor driver type configured, this signal generally switches the
motor on for both directions or for the forward direction only.
REV --- Depending on the motor driver type configured, this signal reverses the motor
direction or it activates the motor in reverse direction.
SPD1 --- This signal is active while the ACU wants to run the motor slowly.
SPD2 --- This signal is active while the ACU wants to run the motor fast.
RESET --- The ACU activates this signal for 800 msecs if the operator clicks RESET. The
signal may be cabled to an input of the motor driver which resets latching faults.
FAULT --- The ACU monitors this signal all the time. The signal is low-active, i.e. the ACU
expects current flowing through the optocoupler while the driver is OK, if the circuit is
opened, the ACU signals a fault and stops the motor. If the motor driver does not provide a
fault signal, the clamps of the FAULT input must be wired to 0V/24V otherwise the ACU will
not move the motor!
The ACU knows two different configuration modes to control a motor driver. They are called 'DIR-
START' and 'DUAL-START'. In 'DIR-START' mode, the 'FWD' signal switches the motor on/off, the
'REV' signal controls the motor direction. This is the configuration many frequency inverters use.
In 'DUAL-START' mode, the 'FWD' signal switches the motor on in forward direction, 'REV'
activates the motor in reverse direction. This configuration mode is convenient to control a motor
with relays.
The speed select signal SP1 and SPD2 actually are the same signal, but with different logical
polarity. For most motor drivers it is sufficient to connect one of these two signals, select the one
which matches the polarity the motor driver expects.
Remark for operation in the northern/southern hemisphere:
Look 'through the antenna' to the satellite for the correct orientation of left/right, up/down and
northern hemisphere
southern hemisphere
FWD moves the antenna to the
right, the position sensor must
increasing the measured value.
FWD moves the antenna 'westward'
The center direction to the satellite
orbit is 180??. Turning angles are
between 0 to 360??
FWD moves the antenna to the
right, the position sensor must
increasing the measured value.
FWD moves the antenna 'eastward'
The center direction to the satellite
orbit is 0??. Turning angles are
between -180 to +180??
FWD moves the antenna up, the
position sensor must increasing the
measured value. Turning angles are
between 0 to 90??
FWD moves the antenna up, the
position sensor must increasing the
measured value. Turning angles are
between 0 to 90??
(C) 2022, SatService GmbH
ACU2-19V2-UM-2209 Page 84/99