5.1 The Web-based User Interface
5.2 Antenna Pointing
5.3 Target Memory
5.3.1 How to make a new target
5.4 Tracking Parameters
5.5 Test Page
5.6 Setup
5.7 Handheld/ Frontpanel Operation
5.7.1 LCPH (Local Maintenance Controller)
5.7.2 LCPHD-PT (Local Maintenance Controller with Display)
5.7.3 RCPH (ACU Handheld Controller)
5.7.4 RCPH19 (ACU Handheld Controller 19")
5.7.5 Handheld Terminal
5.8 Target Editor
5.9 Orbital Data Editor
5.9.1 TLE Dataset Editor
5.9.2 I11 Dataset Editor
6 Frontpanel operation
6.1 Display mode
6.2 The main menu
6.3 Select targets
6.4 Set tracking mode
6.5 Step move
6.6 Jog mode
6.7 Standby
6.8 Set az, el, pl by editing Numeric Parameters
7 Remote Control
7.1 General command syntax
7.2 The TCP/IP remote control interface
7.3 The RS232 remote control interface
7.4 Parameter list
7.5 One line read via TCP/IP
7.6 SNMP Remote Control
8 Theory of Operation
8.1 Angle Measurement
8.2 Pointing / Motor Control
8.3 Steptrack
8.3.1 The sat-nms Steptrack Algorithm
8.3.2 ACU and Beacon Receiver
8.3.3 Smoothing
8.3.4 Steptrack Parameters
8.4 Adaptive Tracking
8.4.1 The sat-nms Adaptive Tracking Algorithm
8.4.2 The Tracking Memory
8.4.3 Adaptive Tracking Parameters
8.4.4 Hardware Protective Mode (Spindle Save Mode)
8.5 Program Tracking
8.5.1 Practical Usage
8.5.2 File Format
8.6 Memory Tracking
8.7 Prediction Tracking with Ephemeris Data
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