Cadac CDC five_02-01-2020_Rev-7.docx
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Path A, such as might occur if a cable is damaged. Note that the CDC five system is fully functional in
all respects if only one TX / RX path is connected.
The control surface and CDC I/O 6448 (the CDC I/O 3216 only has one set of MegaCOMMS
connectors) should be interconnected using one of the configurations shown below, depending whether
there are one or two stageboxes in the system, and whether redundancy is deemed necessary.
IMPORTANT: The hex switch on the rear of the stagebox (highlighted above) must be set according to
how the unit is to be connected:
Set to ‘1’ when connecting the stagebox to a CDC MC Router
Set to ‘2’ when connecting the stagebox to a console surface, and it is to be used as RACK 1
Set to ‘3’ when connecting the stagebox to a console surface, and it is to be used as RACK 2
All other hex switch positions are unused.
RG6 video cable suitable for 3G HD-SDI (High Definition Serial Digital Interface) should be
used for the Cadac MegaCOMMS connections. The cables should be terminated in BNC connectors of
the appropriate type, and no cable run should exceed 150 m (surface-to-stagebox or stagebox-to
stagebox). An example of a suitable cable is Kramer bulk Type BC-1X.
Hex Switch
CDC five
CDC five
CDC I/O 6448
CDC I/O 6448 - 1
CDC I/O 6448 - 2
One stagebox: Redundant System
Two stageboxes: Redundant System