A p p l i c a t i o n s V i e w
A T M C l i e n t A p p l i c a t i o n
S p e c t r u m E n t e r p r i s e M a n a g e r
Page 42
S m a r t S w i t c h 6 0 0 0
Table 18:
ATM Client Application Icon
ATM Client Application VCL Table
Admin Status
Implemented only for a VCL that terminates a
VCC (i.e., one that is not cross-connected to other
VCLs). Its value (“Up” or “Down”) specifies the
desired administrative state of the VCL, i.e.,
whether traffic flow is enabled or disabled.
Oper Status
Indicates the current operational status of the
VCL. “Up” and “Down” indicate whether the VCL
is operational. “Unknown” indicates that the
status of this VCL cannot be determined.
Last Change
The value of
at the time this VCL
entered its current operational state. If the
current state was entered prior to the last re-
initialization of the agent, then this field contains
a zero value.
RTD (Receive Traffic Description) Index
The value of this field identifies the row in the
ATM Traffic Descriptor Table that applies to the
receive direction of this VCL.
TTD (Transmit Traffic Description) Index
The value of this field identifies the row of the
ATM Traffic Descriptor Table that applies to the
transmit direction of this VCL.
AAL (ATM Adaptation Layer) Type
An instance of this field only exists when the local
VCL endpoint is also the VCC endpoint and AAL
is in use. The field indicates the type of AAL used
on this VCC, which includes AAL1, AAL3/4, and
AAL5. The “other” type is a user-defined AAL type.
The “unknown” type indicates that the AAL type
cannot be determined.
Transmit Size
An instance of this field only exists when the local
VCL endpoint is also the VCC endpoint and AAL5
is in use. The field indicates the maximum AAL5
Opens the...
Device Configuration View (page 47)
the Model Information view described in
VCL Table
ATM Client Application VCL Table
described below.
Port Configuration - CSIIfPort View (page
and the CSIIfPort Performance view
described in