Event Logs
Event Logs
The detector records the 30 most recent gas alarm events. Information
that is recorded from an event is as follows:
• Peak alarm levels during an alarm
• Start time and date of alarm
• Type of exposure, level, and duration of alarm
• Records and stores the last thirty events (excluding bump tests)
• Records and stores the last 10 bump test events for each sensor
• Records and logs when low alarms are acknowledged
When 30 event logs have been recorded, the next event log overwrites
the oldest event log.
The detector records datalog samples that can be compiled to create a
report using Fleet Manager II. From Fleet Manager II, define how often
the detector records a datalog sample (
seconds) in the
Interval (seconds)
The total number of 8-hour days datalogs that can be recorded is assum-
ing 90% of the day has no gas concentrations.
Table 12. Datalog Frequency
When the memory is full, the detector replaces the oldest datalogs
with the most recent datalogs.
The following information is recorded in a datalog:
• Alarms
• Date and time
• Sensor readings and sensor status
• Serial number
• Detector status
• TWA and STEL readings
• Times the detector was activated and deactivated
Datalog Interval
Total Number of 8-Hour Days
Datalogs Can Be Recorded
5 seconds
15 days
15 seconds
45 days
60 seconds
180 days