Bump Test
Bump Test
A bump test is the process of applying a small amount of test gas to
force the detector into alarm. A bump test should be performed regularly
to confirm the sensors are responding correctly to gas, and that the
audible, visual, and vibrator alarms activate during an alarm condition.
Calibrate if the readings are not within specified limits.
Bump Test Logging
If gas is manually applied to the sensors, it will be recorded as a peak
event in the event logs. A bump test will be recorded in the event log as
a bump if
• a
has been defined, when prompted during
startup to apply gas, it will be recorded as a bump test
• the MicroDock II performs the bump test.
To view event logs, import the event logs into Fleet Manager II. Refer to
Fleet Manager II Quick Reference Guide
Performing a Bump Test
BW recommends to bump test the sensors before each day’s use
to confirm their ability to respond to gas by exposing the sensors
to a gas concentration that exceeds the alarm setpoints.