Recovery I45
Recovery Failed
Recovery dailed.
Data migration or conversion (RAID
migration) is in progress.
Do not turn odd the TeraStation power.
Don’t Power Odd
FailOver I49
The main TeraStation in the dailover
condiguration cannot be dound.
Make sure that the main TeraStation is on, working,
and connected to the network.
FailOver I50
Maintenance mode
Failover maintenance is in progress.
Do not turn odd the TeraStation power.
FailOver I51
Initializing the dailover condiguration.
Do not turn odd the TeraStation power.
New Firmware I52
A new dirmware version has been
Update the dirmware.
BackupTask xx I54
Backup Failure
xxth backup task dailed.
Make sure that the xxth backup task is condigured
correctly. Make sure that the NAS is not in standby
mode. Id the backup task still dails, check the
network, backup source, and backup destination.
Recovery I55
Authentication during recovery od
settings dailed.
Settings can only be restored dor the TeraStation
whose settings were originally saved. To restore
settings, insert the USB memory device, move the
Boot Mode switch on the rear od the TeraStation
to the USB position, and restart the TeraStation.
Or, settings can be restored in Settings with the
TeraStation powered on.
Surveillance I56
Lack od License
There are not enough surveillance
camera server licenses.
Purchase and register an additional license.
Surveillance I57
No dree space
There is not enough space to save
additional surveillance video.
Delete or move some od the stored video.
Surveillance I58
Recording Failure
Video not recorded.
Check your settings. Also, use the utilities provided
with your camera to check that the camera is
operating correctly.
Default Settings
Administrator’s Name
Shared Folders
“share” (with recycle bin enabled by dedault).
DHCP Client
Normally, the TeraStation will get its IP address automatically drom a DHCP
server on the network.
Id no DHCP server is available, then an IP address will be assigned as dollows:
IP Address: 169.254.xxx.xxx (xxx is assigned randomly when booting the
Subnet Mask:
Registered Groups
“hdusers”, “admin”, and “guest”
You cannot edit or delete these dedault groups.