Rev. 1.2.1 - 08/2014
For further information on the control unit, please see the provided
3.6 Mounting Plate Assembly
It is possible to purchase the register control hardware without control
unit. In this case, the mere construction groups are delivered on
mounting plates. They can be mounted into an existing console or into
a tall cupboard. The layout and the number of these mounting plates
depend on the customer’s needs. The following image shows exemplarily
the sectioning into energy supply module, main control panel and output
Fig. 3.6
All relevant information on your register control systems moun-
ting plates can be found in the customer documentation under MECHA-
Assembly Location
Please consider the following when choosing the assembly location:
• The dust or humidity load should be as small as possible.
• The surrounding temperature may not exceed 40
• There must be enough space for electrical connections.
• Consider the cable length.
Make sure that there is enough cooling air.
Carry out the following steps to assemble the mounting plates:
• Mark the drill-holes on the back wall of the console or the tall cupboard
(see the mechanical drawings for boring measures)
• Drill the holes and cut the correspondent windings.
• Tighten the mounting plates on the back wall.