Rev. 1.2.1 - 08/2014
Assembly Location
At the assembly location, it must be provided that
• the side walls of the machine stand have a sufficient load-bearing
capacity. The required load-bearing capacity is calculated as follows
is the length of the traverse bar):
a [mm] * 0,008 + 1 [kg]
(manually adjustable traverse bar)
a [mm] * 0,001 + 5 [kg]
(motorised traverse bar)
• there is enough space for assembly (see Fig. 3.1 and Fig. 3.2),
• the traverse bar can be assembled parallel to the web and orthogonal
to the side walls,
• the traverse bar does not vibrate when the machine is running,
• a spacing of 9 mm between register sensor and web is possible at
each traverse bar position,
• the electrical connections of the register sensor are well-accessible
• the web is guided straight and without web flapping.
Please note that the background panel of a traverse bar with rear mirror
is movable:
Fig. 3.4
A traverse bar with background panel must be assembled so that the
background panel in position
touches the web.
Carry out the following operating steps in order to assemble the traverse
• Fit the traverse bar into the assembly location and fix the traverse
bar provisorily with screw clamps.
• Adjust the traverse bar precisely. Take the above-mentionned requi-
rements into account.
• Mark the drillings required for the desired assembly method.
• Dismantle the traverse bar.
Carry out the required drillings and install the needed assembly counter
• Fit the traverse bar into the assembly location and plug the end pieces
of the traverse bar into the respective assembly counter pieces.