Rev. 1.2.1 - 08/2014
The following safety instructions must be observed in case of using a
motorized traverse bar:
Danger of explosion! The traverse bar is used in zone 1.
Occasionally an explosive atmosphere may occur which can be ignited
by electrical or mechanical energy. To prevent such an ignition, adhere
to the following instructions:
• Observe the supplied documentation for the motor, the coupling and
the limit switch.
• Connect a potential compensation unit with a diameter of at least
4mm² to the traverse bar (see drawings on pages 1 and 2).
• For traverse bar with sensor rail: Remove the protective film from the
sensor rail prior to commissioning/start-up!
• The traverse bar must not have contact to the printed web when the
machine is running. This must be considered when choosing the
assembly area.
The following safety instructions must be observed in case of using the
optional drives for linear roller positioning:
Danger of entanglement! Protect the coupling area between
the servo motor and the angle gear of the linear roller with an adequate
protection device (e.g. cover) permanently. Possible consequences of
non-observance can be serious injury.
Danger of crushing! Pinch points can occur between the
linear roller (being driven by BST eltromat) and other machine compo-
nents (e. g. guide rollers, bars, dryers, etc.). Consider the motor-driven
adjustment of the linear roller in the risk assessment of the complete
machine. In addition you have to integrate the servo control into the
safety system of the complete machine (e.g. emergency stop). Otherwise
death or serious injury can be consequences during operation.
The register motors can unexpectedly change running direc-
tion and velocity during operation. Consider the possibility of uncontrol-
led movement in the risk assessment of the complete machine.
! Danger of burning! The surfaces of the drive motors can reach
a temperature of 140° C during operation. Therefore equip the motors
with a protection against contact. Otherwise burnings can be the
consequence. Also refer to the manufacturer documentation of the drive
motors on this topic.
Use a limit switch with forced opening for the end position
detection of the linear roller to prevent the destruction of the gearing,
the coupling or the linear roller. Otherwise injuries caused by falling
objects can occur in addition to the damage of property.